
Strategic Initiatives

In 2017, the University launched a Strategic Initiatives Funding process to identify and support innovative projects that will advance the goals of the University’s Engaged, Integrated, Global Strategic Plan, in particular those that will have substantial, positive impact on the student experience. An additional pool of funding was made available in 2018-2019, and again for the 2019-2020 academic year. To date, strategic initiatives allocations total over $500,000.

Funding is open to University students, faculty, and staff, and collaborative projects are encouraged. The process includes the submission of an RFP that includes a statement of the project’s purpose and intended outcomes, its relationship and potential impact to the Strategic Plan, a plan for the evaluation and assessment of the project, and a budget for its implementation. RFPs are then reviewed by the University Planning Committee. For those projects that may span multiple years, awards are “seed money” for the first year of funding, with the expectation that recipients will identify other sources of funding to support project continuation. As part of their award, recipients must submit a report detailing the progress of the project and its impact.

Click here to view this year's awardees.

Click the following links to view funded projects for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.

Strategic Initiatives in the News: 

PRIME Research Immersion Program

JUHAN Student Leadership Conference 2019