


The liturgy offers many opportunities for students to build community on campus.

  • Lectors (Readers)
  • Eucharistic Ministers
  • Altar Servers
  • Greeters
  • Sacristans

Contact Michael.OMalley3@scranton.edu for more information on how to get involved.


Lectors (readers) proclaim the Word of God to the assembly so that the faithful may hear and respond to God’s Word during Mass and throughout their lives. Using proper diction and public speaking techniques, lectors enable the liturgical assembly to listen attentively to Sacred Scripture and to have a love for it.


  • Fully initiated (Confirmed) Catholic.
  • Strong, clear voice.
  • Review the readings at home prior to your scheduled Mass.
  • Complete a training session.
  • Previous experience in public speaking is helpful but not mandatory.


  • Proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel, and announce the intentions for the Prayer of the Faithful.

Eucharistic Ministers

Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion possess a deep love and reverence for the Eucharist and a joyful desire to share it with the community.


  • Baptized & Confirmed Roman Catholic.
  • Regularly receive the Eucharist.
  • Exemplary Christian character, committed to the faith, and devoted to the Eucharist.
  • Demonstrated interest and involvement in the community's life.
  • Complete a training session. 


  • Assisting the priest in distributing the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful during Mass.
  • Reverently placing the sacred vessels and linens on the credence table after the distribution of Communion.

Altar Servers

Servers assist the priest during Mass. Since servers are lay people who are carrying out specific functions during the liturgy, their participation helps reveal that the liturgy is the work of the entire people of God.


  • Practicing Catholic.
  • Willingness to give faithful service to God and the Christian people.
  • Complete a training session.


  • Carrying the processional cross, candles, and on occasion, the censer during processions.
  • Placing the sacred vessels, linens, and the bread and wine on the altar.
  • Assisting the priest at the preparation of the gifts.
  • Taking the sacred vessels and linens from altar and placing them on the credence table after Communion.


As the first person most worshippers see when they gather for Mass, greeters welcome people to the liturgical assembly and give them the information necessary to actively participate in the liturgy. Greeters see Christ in the face of the stranger and practice Christian charity.


  • Arrive at least fifteen minutes before Mass
  • Welcome worshippers and distribute the worship aids
  • Check the seating area after Mass and straighten up as needed


Working behind the scenes, sacristans prepare the liturgical books, sacred vessels, and vestments for Mass. Since their work is guided by the liturgical year and liturgical documents, sacristans grow in their personal appreciation of the seasons of the liturgical year and the sacramental basis of Catholic liturgy.


  • Superior organizational skills.
  • An eye for detail.
  • Interest in the liturgy.


  • Set out the sacred vessels, vestments, linens, and the bread and wine for mass.
  • Mark the liturgical books at the proper place for each liturgy.
  • Clean the sacred vessels after Mass.
  • Care for the altar and vigil candles.

Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule

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