
Brightspace Learning Management System

Learning solutions facilitate flexible teaching, learning, and evaluation formats such as blended learning, distance education and flipped classrooms. Brightspace is a web-based learning management system (LMS) software system that allows our users to easily manage course work, assignments, and evaluations on campus, online and around the world. 


  • Organizes e-learning materials in one central location.
  • Provides unlimited access to e-learning materials.
  • Easily tracks learner progress and performance.
  • Helps expand on current courses by providing additional information, quizes, etc.

Student Requirements

  • Students are enrolled in all courses and will have access to the courses 21 days before the start of the semester. Students have access to the course for two weeks after grades are due to Registrar.
  • Community Groups are available for any non-CRN requested courses. The requestor of the group will be listed as the group manager and will be responsible for enrolling and deleting all the members of the groups.

Policies And Procedures

Course Information

  • All courses are created automatically for the following semester after registration for that term is complete.There is usually no need to request a course manually.
  • If you can find the course in the , but do not see the course in Brightspace, please contact the  to report this issue.
  • Courses will remain on the system for two years, after which they will be removed from the system
  •  is available for instructors and they are able to complete this process. If assistance is required, please contact the .

Custom Course Creation

Occasionally there is a need for a faculty or group moderator to have a custom course created in the LMS, for tutorial or other purposes, such as lecture capture capabilities. This is done on an as-needed basis upon request. Please request the custom course by contacting the Technology Support Center at techsupport@scranton.edu.

Merging Course Rosters

  • From my.scranton.edu, instructors will find the link to merge courses under the Faculty tab --> Academic Links portlet. This link is only used to request merging of MULTIPLE sections of similar D2L courses into one course. You must be an assigned instructor for these courses in order to submit a merge request, and the merge will only be in effect for one semester. The request form is open from four weeks prior to the start of a semester until two weeks after a semester starts. NOTE:  If a course is merged, it cannot be unmerged. The merge process runs at 12 Noon and again at 3:00 a.m. Contact  if you have any questions regarding the merging of courses.

Additional Resources

  • All forms related to the LMS can be accessed within the portal () by selecting the Faculty tab near the top of the page. Go the Academic Links channel and select the link to the appropriate form.
  •  for faculty and students
  • If assistance is required, please contact the .
  • Request the custom course by contacting the Technology Support Center at techsupport@scranton.edu.
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