
Hardware Purchases and Replacement

The following information address the management, replacement and requests of hardware in more detail.

The Central Microcomputer Budget Planning process begins with the Annual Report, where Department heads can request replacement equipment. They can also request a list of their current computer assets. The recommendations from each department serve as the starting point as Information Technology formulates the overall Central Microcomputer Budget for the following budget cycle. The University’s Equipment Committee determines the funding available to meet these requests.

The Client Services Manager in coordination with IT administers that budget in a way that allows for the maximum number of requests to be approved. Leveraging bulk buying of systems that meet our standard configurations reduces our per system cost. These cost savings mean that we can accommodate more of your requests. Every request is evaluated and prioritized based on need and usage. Due to the high costs of maintaining and replacing desktop equipment, everyone needs to be conservative in their requests.

Each employee should have a maximium of one system. When IT replaces a desktop PC, the existing computer must be returned. 


Computer deployment for labs and classrooms normally takes place during the summer months, faculty systems in the Fall and staff systems in the Spring. Due to budget limits, not all requests can be approved. Once the Central Microcomputer Budget has been set for a fiscal year, departments will receive a list of approved lab equipment replacements at the beginning of the budget year and approved faculty and staff replacement equipment later in the Fall semester.

New faculty typically receive a computer as part of their faculty contract from the Provost Office.

Computers for new staff positions should be planned for and requested in the Annual Report even if the position has not yet been approved. If a new hire is filling an existing position, the computer used by the last employee in that position will be reconfigured for the new employee.

If an unexpected need arises for new equipment during the fiscal year, contact Deanna Beyrent, Manager of Client Services a minimum of two weeks before employee start date.

The University has equipment standards for laptops and desktops in order to provide each user with the best support possible. While our standard configurations meet the needs of most individuals, we also recognize that some users may require a more customized configuration. Requests for non-standard equipment should be noted on the annual Central Microcomputer Budget forms.

Tablet Devices

Tablet devices are generally not considered a suitable replacement for a desktop or laptop computer. Funding for iPads (or similar tablet devices) is the responsibility of the department but the purchase itself should go through Deanna Beyrent, Manager of Client Services.


Monitors are not always replaced when a new system is delivered. In general, monitors can last a lot longer, but defective monitors will be replaced when needed. A flat panel monitor in good working condition will generally not be replaced.

Network Printer

Departments should use their shared multifunction copier for network printing. Individual departments are responsible for purchasing paper and other consumables for the copiers in your department.

University Windows and Apple computers run Dell KACE central desktop management solution. This allows IT to more efficiently manage computers, provision software to specific computers, deploy patches to fix vulnerable software titles, and streamline the imaging of computers. Any computer not in compliance with this requirement may be disconnected.

Determination of ownership and disposition of property purchased using grant funds must first be determined. Ownership of any equipment purchased with grant funds will generally be specified in the award agreement. Grant Awards may also include conditions in award agreements that place constraints on both the use and disposal of research equipment.  By honoring these conditions, the University fulfills obligations to the sponsor that it has assumed under the award agreement. Ownership of the property purchased can be either the sponsor, faculty member or the University. 

If the University is granted ownership under the agreement, the purchase of hardware and software should go through Deanna Beyrent, Manager of Client Services to ensure compatibility with the University network as well as meeting minimum hardware standards. University site licensed software can be installed on University owned equipment. Support can be provided only for grant purchases that meet our standards. Funding for the replacement of grant equipment is the responsibility of department, they will not be part of the Central Microcomputer Budget.

If the faculty member is granted ownership under the agreement, we recommend that you consult with IT to ensure compatibility with the University network and programs. Future replacements of grant equipment will not be part of the Central Microcomputer Budget.

University site licensed software can NOT be installed on non-University owned equipment. 

All computers purchased with university funds remain the property of the University until disposed of by IT. Failure to return University-owned equipment, software, or data upon leaving the University or at the request of the University may result in legal action or obligate the employee to reimburse the University for the value of the equipment.

A computer that is returned to inventory and no longer meets the minimum configuration is disposed of through a licensed IT asset disposal company.

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