
Infused Courses

Infused Course (Choose 2 courses)

ARTH 313 Art of Islam

COMM 228 Intercultural Communication

ECO 351 Environment of International Business

ECO 375 International Economics

ECO 465 Development Economics

ENLT 348 Colonial and Post-Colonial Fiction

HIST 130 World History I

HIST 131 World History II

HIST 227 (D) The Civilization of Islam

HRS 331 Globalization and Human Resources Management

MKT 475 International Marketing

PS 217 Comparative Government

PS 313 Classical Political Ideas

PS 314 Modern Political Ideas

T/RS 219 Religions of the World

COMM 228  (3 cr.)
(D) Intercultural Communication
Designed to provide a framework for understanding diversity in communication patterns among cultures and co-cultures. Topics include high- and low-context patterns, verbal and nonverbal communication across cultures and co-cultures, persuasion, dialects, organization of verbal codes, and the structure of conversations.
ECO/IB 351 (3 cr.)
(D) Environment of International Business
(Prerequisites: Eco 153-154 or ECO 101, junior standing)
This course introduces the student to the growing field of international business, touching on the economic, social and political environments of international trade and multinational corporations. International institutions and agencies that impact on international business are discussed and practical aspects of these topics are emphasized.
ECO/IB 375  (3 cr.)
International Economics
(Prerequisites: ECO 153-154 or ECO 351 or permission of the instructor)
This course explains the rationale for international trade and gains from trade and discusses various trade policies. Topics covered in the course include: comparative
advantage, free trade and trade restrictions (tariffs, quotas, etc.), the trade policy of the United States, exchange rates and their determinants, balance-of-payments analysis and the significance
of multinational corporations.
ECO 465 3 cr.
Development Economics

(Prerequisites: ECO 153-154)
This course introduces students to contemporary development economics. Topics include: the concept and measurement of economic development, the problems and prospects of the less developed countries, and the alternative theories and processes of economic development.
ENLT 348 (3 cr.)
(CL,D,W) Colonial and Postcolonial Fiction
(Area G) Through detailed study of such authors as Achebe, Conrad, Forster, Kincaid, Kipling, Naipaul, Orwell, and Rushdie, this course explores the myths and meanings of 19th- and 20th-century European colonialism in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
HIST 130 (3 cr.)
(CH,D) World History I

The courses examine the history of human experience from a global perspective with particular attention to political, economical, and social changes. World History I begins with human origins and proceeds through ancient civilizations to about 1500 A.D.
HRS 331 (3 cr.)
Globalization and Human Resource Management
This course examines international human resource management (HRM), global integration, expatriation, global competition, transnational enterprises, conceptual models, comparative management, international strategies, HRM issues and problems, HRM processes and functions in international businesses, cross-cultural management, communication and culture, leadership across cultures, and motivating across cultures.
MKT/IB 475 (3 cr.)
(D) International Marketing
(Prerequisites: Mkt 351, Eco 351) Analysis of marketing strategies of multinational corporations with emphasis on the internal environment of country markets. Discussions include comparisons of different regional markets along socio-economic, political and cultural lines; different types of international market barricades and corresponding market-entry strategies.
PS 217 (3 cr.)
Comparative Government
Political institutions of Germany, France, Britain, and selected Third World nations are analyzed with focus on elections, parties, interest groups and foreign policies.
PS 313 (3 cr.)
(D) Classical Political Ideas

An examination of philosophical questions about politics (including the nature of law, morals, justice, and authority; and the role of ideas in political and social life) in classical texts from East and West, from Lao Tzu and Plato to the beginnings of modernity and Machiavelli.
PS 314 (3 cr.)
(D) Modern Political Ideas

An examination of philosophical questions and politics (including the nature of law, morals, justice, and authority; and the role of ideas in political and social life) in modern texts from East and West, from the beginnings of modernity with Machiavelli to Marx and Mao.
T/RS 219Z (3 cr.)
(P,D) The Religions of the World

(Formerly T/RS 314) An exploration of belief in the traditions of the classical historical religions of the world through both systematic analysis and the reading of sacred texts.
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